“To Reach All People.”
Why the name “Refuge Church”
Refuge Church was birthed out of the church Pastor Steve and his wife, Stacy, planted in 2018 and a Christian Counseling Center in Conroe. Texas Grand Chapel and Refuge Trauma and Counseling Center came together to form REFUGE! Here, you will find Refuge Church, Refuge Counseling, and Refuge Coffee. Well, the coffee shop is a current vision that has yet to manifest. The vision is there, it’s just not in God’s timing of provision — yet!
Pastor Steve serves in three areas outside the church that drew his attention to the mental health struggles the community was facing.
Volunteer Pastor at Refuge Trauma and Counseling Center, volunteer Chaplain at Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, and Volunteer mentor at Project Mentor within Conroe Independent School District.
It became clear that the mental health struggles were not isolated to the fine men and women in the above organizations, but was throughout the community and even inside the church walls. Mental health struggles were no longer something to be avoided, but addressed head-on—there is a spiritual answer!
It saddened Pastor Steve and Stacy to see hospitals in their community that were one day built by churches to stand in the gap for physical health needs, yet, if one goes to these hospitals with a metal health struggle, they are declined service and sent to a state-funded mental health facility. This is wrong to Steve and Stacy! They believe strongly that the church has a role in providing for the wellness of the people God sends their way.
Quickly, they learned and started sharing that “it is okay to not be okay.” However, we will not leave people in this mind-frame. We are to use the Gospel and grace of Jesus Christ to restore people to their full potential by way of mind, body, and soul care.
It was in early 2022 when Pastor Steve could no longer deny the vision God was giving him to merge with a Christian Counseling Center, so that together, we can accomplish what neither of us could accomplish alone.
It was at this moment that the idea of the REFUGE was born.
We all need a safe place to not be okay and then have the spiritual discipleship available to recover by way of strong Biblical discipleship alongside strong Christian mental health counseling.
Upon reading scriptures like Psalm 34:22 “The Lord will rescue his servants;
no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned,” Pastor Steve knew he needed to take the concepts of RESCUE he learned in over 25-years of U.S. Coast Guard service and apply it to rescuing the soul of mankind. Stacy quickly affirmed the idea and REFUGE was born.
Refuge Church
Come as you are, but do not expect to stay as you are.
To Reach All People!
Won’t you join us?
“Bringing Jesus to the highways and hedges to rescue and replenish a lost world!”
Our Purpose:
KNOW your purpose
GROW in relationships
GO be the church